After suffering a major heart attack last year, Bernice Gary spent over a month in the hospital, where her family said their last good byes. Upon transferring to an LTAC facility, she lost her will to fight and was declared Failure to Thrive.
I’m so thankful and overwhelmed with the Maison Teche facility and staff and the amazing Therapy Center therapy team. says Ms. Bernice’s son who’s been with her every step of the way, They’ve given me my mother back and she’s actually sharper now than before she got sick.
Ms. Bernice’s road to recovery began when her family sent her to Maison Teche Nursing Center for therapy. Upon arriving at Maison Teche, Ms. Bernice was in severe pain and required total care. Her team of therapists knew that they had a lot of work to do to get Ms. Gary back to the independence she had before her hospital stay, and they were up for the challenge! Through the support of her family and intense physical, occupational, and speech therapy, she regained full function. In January 2014, Ms. Bernice proudly walked the halls of Maison Teche for her therapy graduation ceremony before returning home!
The road to recovery can be difficult, but it doesn’t have to be traveled alone. Therapy Center offers the best in rehabilitative services for long-term residents or patients needing short-term care after an illness or surgery. Contact Us today for more information.