April 2016

OT’s Role in Skilled Nursing Facilities: What exactly do they do?

April is National Occupational Therapy Month! This article is intended to celebrate the OT profession and provide education on the practice. Growing up with a dad who is physical therapist, I was somewhat exposed to occupational therapy through my visits to the outpatient clinic where he worked. When I began my job with Therapy Center

OT’s Role in Skilled Nursing Facilities: What exactly do they do? Read More »

Excellent Documentation Skills Recognized: The Therapy Center Difference

Therapy documentation is a priority at the Therapy Center. Not only is it vital for the overall well being of patients, but also in integral for the quality of care patients receive. Documentation can be a challenge for therapists because it requires time and can be the most tedious part of their job. Each patient

Excellent Documentation Skills Recognized: The Therapy Center Difference Read More »


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