Boost Your Balance: Falls Awareness & Prevention

Each September, we recognize Falls Prevention and Awareness Week. According to the CDC’s Injury Center monitors, every second of every day, an older adult (age 65+) falls in the U.S. 1 Additionally, CDC reports that 25% of Americans (age 65+) has at least one fall a year. One in every 5 of those falls will lead to injury such as a broken bone. With statistics like that, chances are high a fall could impact your or someone you love.

What Can You Do?

The good news is, most falls are preventable. With a proper understanding of how to reduce risks around your home, medication management, and a coordinated care effort to improve your balance and strength you will be well on your way to reduce your risks. The National Council on Aging recommends 6 steps for fall prevention.

  • Find a good balance and exercises program.
  • Talk to your health care provider
  • Regularly review your medications
  • Get your vision and hearing checked annually
  • Keep your home safe.
  • Talk to your family members.

Physical Therapy Can Help!

Our skilled team of physical therapists are available at eight convenient locations to help you along with your physician in boosting your balance, reducing your risks, and establishing home exercise programs to keep your body prepared for a fall.

In addition to exercises, our physical therapy team is able to recommend and train you or your loved one using the appropriate assistive device to reduce the risk of falling. Often times, an assessment can be completed by a physical therapist as well for other complicating factors such as dizziness and other vestibular disorders can impact your balance and fall risk.

Don’t wait until it is too late, check out our video below for recommended exercises and schedule an assessment today and see how we can help you!

CLICK HERE for our tips on reducing risks around your home!


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