Maison Teche Nursing Center: Ashley Kidd, SLP
Ashley Kidd has been a huge asset to the therapy team at Maison Teche Nursing Center. It’s hard to believe that she started working for the Therapy Center less than a year ago based on how quickly she caught on to things. She is a team player and is always coming up with creative ideas and activities to keep our patients engaged and excited about coming to therapy. Whether it’s helping a patient learn the sequencing of transfers to improve their safety with physical therapy and occupational therapy or managing bills and medicine, she makes sure our patients are well prepared and ready to return home. She is the reason that the swallow bus makes frequent stops to our facility in order to ensure our patients are safe while eating and they are able to enjoy the best diet possible. She is very knowledgeable and is willing to teach other disciplines in order to help everyone succeed. Whenever the nursing home dog, Buddy, needs a babysitter for the weekend, she is the first one to volunteer. We are so lucky to have such an enthusiastic, caring person like Ashley at Maison Teche. Thanks for all that you do, Ashley! Not only has she made such a positive impact on other therapists and nursing home staff, but she has made everlasting impressions on her patients as well–so much so that one patient wanted to write something special to express his gratitude….
The “Roast” of Ashley Kidd: The Good, The Bad, & The Ugly
by Jackie Gibbons, patient at Maison Teche
My first impression—a pretty lil’ lady with a pony tail and a million dollar smile. I was going to enjoy this. Her first words said to me were Bite your tongue, Jack. I said Do What?! Bite your tongue and swallow five times, it will help you to speak better. My thoughts: She must be a wolf in sheep clothing. But she said it with a smile, so I went along.
Next, the dining room. I was having problems with choking. Ashley said Stop. Slow down. Take smaller bites. Drink after every 3 bites of food. It worked, and I stopped choking! Another plus for Ashley!
Back to the table to test my numbers, clocks, and grocery lists. I failed. This was heart breaking, and tears came. After 16 years of figuring out right triangles in math classes, I failed the numbers game. The stroke I had took away my numbers from me. This lil’ girl with the pony tail came put her arms around me and told me You are being too hard on yourself. It’s not important for you to know numbers. You are 86 years old!
This lil’ girl with a pony tail is number one in my book. I love her.
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