What to Expect When Surgery Is Likely

Hearing that surgery may be necessary can feel overwhelming, especially when you haven’t yet experienced it. It’s completely normal to have questions and concerns about what lies ahead. While the idea of surgery can be intimidating, understanding the process can help you feel more prepared and confident as you move forward.

Preparing for Recovery: The Role of Physical Therapy After Surgery

As physical therapy providers, we often work with individuals who have been told they’ll need surgery, whether it’s for a joint replacement, rotator cuff repair, or another procedure. While surgery can feel like a daunting step, it’s important to understand that recovery doesn’t end when the surgery is over—rehabilitation is just as critical to returning to your best self.

Here’s how physical therapy plays a pivotal role in your recovery journey after surgery.

  1. Strengthening Before Surgery. Many patients are surprised to learn that physical therapy can begin before surgery, especially for joint replacements. Prehabilitation, or “prehab,” is focused on strengthening muscles, improving flexibility, and boosting your endurance. Preparing your body this way can help ensure a smoother surgery and a faster recovery afterward.
  1. Restoring Mobility and Function. After surgery, one of the main goals of physical therapy is to restore mobility and function. Whether it’s improving your range of motion after a knee replacement or getting your shoulder moving again post-rotator cuff surgery, physical therapy helps you regain what was lost during the injury or procedure.
  1. Reducing Pain and Swelling. In the early stages of recovery, physical therapists will work with you to manage pain and swelling, often through specialized exercises, manual techniques, or modalities like heat, ice, or electrical stimulation. Reducing these symptoms is essential for healing and maintaining the progress you make with other exercises.
  1. Preventing Complications. Physical therapy isn’t just about getting you moving—it’s about getting you moving correctly. We help prevent complications such as stiffness, weakness, or compensatory movement patterns that could lead to further injury. Our goal is to make sure your body heals in the most efficient and effective way possible.
  1. Gradual Return to Activity. Once you’re ready, physical therapists help you gradually return to your daily activities, from walking and climbing stairs to more complex movements like running or lifting. Your physical therapist will design a personalized rehabilitation plan that progresses based on your unique needs, making sure you’re ready to get back to doing what you love.

While surgery might feel like the beginning of a long road, it’s important to remember that physical therapy is here to support your recovery every step of the way. With the right guidance and commitment, you can achieve a successful recovery and return to the activities that make life fulfilling. If you know that surgery is in your future, contact one of our clinics today to discuss your physical therapy treatment options. Our locations can be found at www.therapyctr.com.




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