
Speech Therapy at All Ages: Acadian Medical Center

Speech therapists, also known as Speech Language Pathologists, are trained in areas of oral motor skills such as swallowing, cognitive communication and orientation such as memory and problem solving, fluency such as stuttering, literacy, social skills, articulation, and most obviously, speech.  They can treat patients with any condition that could hinder their ability to communicate […]

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Princeton Place Success Story: Mr. James

Mr. James came to Princeton Place Skilled Nursing and Rehabilitation Center after demonstrating functional decline from an old stroke. His goals upon entering therapy were to regain strength and coordination for independent living including cooking meals, completing laundry, self-care tasks and community involvement. “Mr. James quickly started improving due to his willingness to work hard.

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Change the statistics: Stroke Awareness

In recognition of National Stroke Awareness Month, Therapy Center would like to share important details and information regarding prevention and surviving strokes. Did You Know? According to the American Stroke Association, it is predicted that 55,000 more women than men will suffer a stroke this year! Statistics provided by the association regarding stroke include: Stroke

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What is a Speech Language Pathologist? What do they treat?

May is Better Speech and Hearing Month! This article is intended to celebrate the Speech Language Pathology profession and provide education on the practice. Therapy Center is honored to employ SLPs or better known as Speech-language pathologists in our company. They provide services in every setting along the continuum of care including home health, skilled

What is a Speech Language Pathologist? What do they treat? Read More »


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