Princeton Place Success Story: Mr. James

Mr. James came to Princeton Place Skilled Nursing and Rehabilitation Center after demonstrating functional decline from an old stroke. His goals upon entering therapy were to regain strength and coordination for independent living including cooking meals, completing laundry, self-care tasks and community involvement.

“Mr. James quickly started improving due to his willingness to work hard. He was always the first one through the door in the mornings, eager and ready to make coffee for his fellow residents in therapy, and willing to accept new challenges,” says Alyssa, Occupational Therapist with Therapy Center.

“I had a very good experience with the sweet, kind therapists working with me every day. The staff helped me get well and taught me that I can do things again,” says Mr. James.

“Because Mr. James was improving so quickly, he often challenged us in creating therapeutic interventions. At one point we all competed in a push up contest,” says Jenny, Physical Therapist.

Upon entering the facility Mr. James did not have a place to call home. As he continued to progress in therapy, it became apparent that he was able to live on his own again. The staff at Princeton Place stepped in and began assisting him in the application process of finding Mr. James a new home.

“This is the reason why we became therapists. It’s days with Mr. James that remind us the difference we are making not only in his physical health, but in his personal life being able to help him find and furnish his new home,” says Brooke, speech language pathologist.

“The best part about my experience here was the staff and therapists that I interacted with every day. Without their help, I wouldn’t be doing all the things I am doing now. I had been to therapy before, but it didn’t help like the therapy that I received here,” says Mr. James.

He has since left the facility and is living independently in his own home. Upon moving out our therapists and staff from Princeton Place helped Mr. James furnish his new place with furniture and cookware. A week after being settled in, our therapy team made a surprise visit.

“We were so happy to visit Mr. James at his new home for a pizza party to celebrate his birthday,” says Candy Clark, certified occupational therapy assistant.

“This is the best birthday I’ve had in a long time!” – Mr. James.

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