OT Spotlight: Danielle Keyser

In celebration of Occupational Therapy Month in April, we are highlighting some of our longest tenured therapists…

Danielle Keyser, originally from Lafayette, Louisiana attended LSU Baton Rouge and the University of Alabama at Birmingham. After working with other rehabilitation providers, she began with the Therapy Center in 2005.
Danielle is currently a mentor and, as of now, primary treating Occupational Therapist at Maison Teche Nursing Home in Jeanerette, Louisiana. Soon she will be moving toward an education role where she will provide Therapy Center’s team of therapists with new treatment ideas and geriatric treatment techniques. Here is what Danielle has to say about her time working as an OT for the Therapy Center:

Do you have any certifications? Certifiably CRAZY

Why did you choose the field of occupational therapy? I love the involvement with people on a very personal and intimate level that our field allows. I love that we care about every little detail that is important to a person’s life, and that we get to creatively come up with ways to help them do the things that are most important to them.

What is the most rewarding part of your job? Watching patients succeed and seeing how we work together as a group to make that happen for each individual.

What is your favorite part of working at Therapy Center? Christmas Party!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! In all seriousness, I love the team work that our company is built upon. We don’t function as individual homes or environments; we are an entity that, which makes us bigger and better than the services that any one therapist can provide.

Hobbies/other areas of interest: A good party, fishing, hunting, socializing

Anything interesting about yourself that you want others to know? Well, I am a little shy. Hahahaha! There is not much about me that people DON’T know! One thing that I hope people do know is that I am very passionate about life in general. How much I love what we do as therapists, how much I love my friends, and everything else that I love, is always very sincere. I know it makes me a bit eccentric, but it’s how I roll!

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