LPTA Day at the Capitol: Thursday, April 3rd

capitolSetup at 8 am/Legislative session at 9 am

Please join us on the morning of Thursday, April 3, 2014 for the LPTA Day at the Capitol. This opportunity provides physical therapists a chance to introduce themselves to legislators and show and teach them what our profession consists of and how important it is. Setup will begin at 8 am. Legislative Session starts at 9 am. We should be finished around noon.

LPTA will be stationed in the Memorial Hall on the House side, where we will provide pedometers to legislators and teach them how to use them, take photographs with legislators and have a manual therapist present a demo and educate the legislators about their profession.

Dress attire is professional, as members of the legislature could introduce us at the Capitol. Please refrain from wearing running shoes, lab coats or scrubs. We request men wear a coat and tie and women wear dresses or slacks.

If you are interested in participating at the LPTA Day at the Capitol, please contact Älice at 504-338-6008 or coretouchtherapies@msn.com.


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