Landing a Great Job Volume 2: Apply, Inquire, Repeat!

You’ve taken the first step by doing your research and then just going for it… You’ve applied for your first job. Now what? Don’t just sit around waiting for the phone to ring. Keep searching for a job and then Apply, Inquire, and Repeat!!

1. You have narrowed down your search and you know what positions are most appealing to you. You’ve applied for the job you’ve been dreaming of ever since your first day of class. Don’t stop there. Keep reading about various companies and the differences between them all. What makes the company unique? What might one company offer that another does not? How do these companies compare to each other? Keep applying.

2. Now you’ve landed an interview! Congrats! Have a list of questions ready to go How does the company pay their employees; salary, per hour, or other? Are you required to work weekends? What benefits are offered? Are you responsible for finding your replacement if you need a day off? How many facilities will you be required to cover? Are you required to sign a contract or a non-compete clause? Is there opportunity for advancement? This is also your opportunity to sell yourself to the employer and prove yourself as the best applicant for the position. Asking questions and taking a real interest in the company will show that you are looking for a position that will be a great fit and that you’re prepared to make a well informed decision.

3. And finally, repeat! When you are asked to go on another interview, go for it! Ask the same questions. Compare the companies. Go on as many interviews as you’re offered. Don’t pass up a chance to learn more about a potential employer. Keep your list of questions handy and review the answers that you were given from each company. Using this system will provide you with an easy way to determine which companies would be at the top of your list. You will quickly learn what benefits and perks are most important to you when it comes to your new job.

Don’t rush and accept the first job offered to you. Although the application and interview processes can be stressful and tedious, it is well worth your time to investigate multiple jobs. Applying for opportunities with different companies and attending multiple interviews will arm you with very valuable assessment information. You might say, Oh, this job would be perfect for me! about every job you apply for, but you won’t really know which position is your perfect match until you have similar information from each company.


Therapy Center currently has Occupational Therapy job opportunities in central Louisiana.

Email Ava Hebert,, to inquire today!

Therapy Center Recruiting

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