Celebrating Athletic Trainers – Your Protection is Our Priority.

During the month of March, we celebrate a team of professionals who have a huge impact on the education and safety of our student athletes – our Athletic Trainers (ATs). Therapy Center is proud to offer athlete training services to the high schools in Louisiana and recognize our team members who provide these services during National Athletic Training Month.

What is an Athletic Trainer?

Athletic trainers (ATs) are health care professionals who collaborate with physicians in prevention, emergency care, clinical diagnosis, therapeutic intervention and rehabilitation of injuries and illnesses.

State Regulation of Athletic Trainers

Athletic trainers are licensed or otherwise regulated in 49 states (with the exception of California).

47 states require ATs to hold the Board of Certification credential of “Athletic Trainer, Certified” (ATC).

Athletic Trainer Education

Academic curriculum and clinical training for athletic training students follows the medical model. Athletic trainers must graduate from an accredited baccalaureate or master’s program; over 70 percent of ATs have a master’s degree.

Impact on Our Children

Athletic trainers play a vital role in educating and preventing injury with student athletes by addressing proper techniques for their sports and workouts. In a recent study conducted by the National Athletic Trainers Association (NATA), nearly 7.8 million student athletes participated in sports, and there were an estimated 1.24 million emergency room visits for injuries related to the 14 most commonly played sports in children ages 19 and under.

According to Safe Kids Worldwide, 62% of organized sports-related injuries occur during practice.

According to the CDC, more than half of all sports injuries in children are preventable, which is of key interest since athletic trainers can play a significant role in reducing those injuries.

The Importance of Athletic Trainers

  • ATs provide medical services and an unparalleled continuum of care to all types of patients, not just athletes participating in sports.
  • Athletic trainers are the most qualified professional to provide daily care for student athletes; they are also the most capable person to organize and direct an athletic health care system for a secondary school. Relying on coaches, administrators or volunteers to provide these types of services puts the athlete, school and its employees at risk.
  • ATs are in demand for their knowledge and skills in prevention and rehabilitation, as well as their proven cost savings, clinical efficiencies and positive return on investment.
  • Many athletic trainers work outside of athletic settings; they provide physical medicine and rehabilitation, as well as other services to people of all ages. Learn more about where ATs work.
  • ATs commonly work with patients with asthma, diabetes, heart disease, obesity and other health conditions to safely improve their health and fitness.
  • ATs specialize in patient education to prevent injury and re-injury, which reduces rehabilitative and other health care costs.
  • Studies show that AT services save money for employers and improve quality of life for patients; for each dollar invested in preventive care, employers gained up to a $7 return on investment.

Visit our website for more information about Sports Medicine and our team of athletic trainers.


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