Think of an interview like an important exam at school. Would you just wing it? Probably not, and that’s no way to treat an interview either. If you want to be taken seriously and be honestly considered for a position, you should do you best to prove yourself as a viable candidate. Here a few tips on how to ace an interview.
Know about the company. First start with their website. (If they don’t have one, I’d venture to say that that is a red flag.) Where did the company begin, how long have they been in business, have they expanded in size and geographic area since they were founded? Also be prepared to express how you feel about the company. If the opportunity comes up for you to be able to express why you feel like you’d like to work for the company, be prepared with a response so that you’re not grasping for straws and fumbling over your words. Maybe you’re impressed with the way the company expanded quickly by word of mouth because you see that as a true example of their passion and expertise in the industry. Real world examples of how you can relate to the company will go a long way.
Know about yourself, your skills, your strengths and weaknesses. As much as you want to learn about the company, your potential employer will want to learn about you. Be prepared with this answer so you’re not caught like a deer in headlights. Save the, I was born on a warm sunny day in South Louisiana… speech for another time. Here, they want to know what about you makes you employable, what could you bring to the company that would make you an asset. Are you strong and creative with treatment plans, do you excel in patient care, are you very organized? Do you build good rapport with patients and convey a sense of comfort and ease? If you work best in a group setting or prefer to work individually, now might be a good time to say that and also explain why. If you really want this position, you’ve got to sell yourself now. If you haven’t had much on-the-job experience, don’t let it show. Apply your experience as a student observer and take what you’ve learned about yourself in that setting to show off your skills. If time allows, it won’t hurt to share a little about yourself regarding hobbies, family, or other areas of interest. It’s amazing how well you can get to know someone in such a short time frame.
Know your state board requirements regarding licensure and testing, if applicable. Students & new grads, be on the ball with this it’s impressive. There aren’t too many other things that are more impressive than a therapist who is prepared and organized with the licensure process and state board requirements. This shows the potential employer that this candidate takes initiative and won’t depend on somebody else to get the job done for them.
Overall, the interview is your chance to shine. How bad do you really want this position? If you’re goal is to really land this position (and why wouldn’t it be!?), do your best to make it happen! Make sure you’re prepared to leave a lasting impression, even if it means studying for the interview as you would for an exam.