Protect Your 30 Day Discharge Window: Knowing Discharge Options

Nearly 2 million Medicare beneficiaries are readmitted within 30 days of release each year, costing Medicare $17.5 billion in additional hospital bills. Kaiser Health The Basics The birth of the Affordable Care Act brought about the principle of penalizing hospitals for re-admission of patients with identified diagnoses within 30 days of discharge. Beginning in Fiscal […]

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Amelia Manor Nursing Home Opens Doors to the Deaf and Deaf/Blind

  Can you imagine wanting something for dinner and no one understanding what it is you are asking for?  What about someone writing a message on paper, but you did not attend school, so you do not understand what they are trying to tell you?  Can you imagine trying to communicate with gestures sort of

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A Step Closer to Home: Marketing Boosts Census

Increased scrutiny on inpatient rehabilitation and acute hospitals has left a large population of elderly patients with limited options for a successful and independent return to home. Therapy Center provides significant education and marketing to ensure that local physicians and hospitals are aware of the interim need that skilled nursing facilities can fulfill. The secret

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